Evernote now limits free users so I am moving to onenote
"Your current plan limits you to 1 notebook and 50 notes"
I used Evernote2Onenote by Stefans Tools
Evernote now limits free users so I am moving to onenote
"Your current plan limits you to 1 notebook and 50 notes"
I used Evernote2Onenote by Stefans Tools
I followed this subreddit's guide https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsThisSong/wiki/index
I wanted ID this track from a film review
The 2nd half have the voice so I used https://vocalremover.org/ to remove the voice
so we got the music only mp3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q_4KImzCqjW4OOBTTiHg26F5SypNTImJ/view?usp=drive_link
then I tried using used Shazam https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shazam-find-song-names-fr/mmioliijnhnoblpgimnlajmefafdfilb/
but it's a chrome extension, so I can't just play the mp3 in VLC for it to ID
but chrome cant just play mp3 either so I uploaded it to drive
turned out the track was MDP - Fake Love (Orchestral Version), I thought it is a track from AOT lol