Tammy laughs with delight. "I knew it!" You two spend a little time imagining what the future will hold as you work side by side, until you reluctantly hang up.
^唔係咁中意E D玩家屈曬機既野, 例如玩家決定某D人點諗
Elly has aged gracefully into her late thirties, still cultivating a youthful appearance even as the signs of middle age set in. She has dyed her hair a bright red, but you can see some gray at the roots. The subtle wrinkles at the edges of her eyes make it look like she's smiling slightly; maybe she is. She hangs her stylish red overcoat, made of a new dirt-repellent fabric, on a coatrack near the door, revealing a black bolero, white on black polka-dot skirt, and tall, black boots. Elly's style has become ubiquitous, because she's the one who designs the clothes for your companion robots. (+Empathy) Under one arm, Elly is carrying a reusable bag of groceries from the local organic supermarket. "I hope I'm not too late," Elly says. "I brought some veggies and kombucha."
Elly sets the groceries down on the kitchen counter. As she does so, you notice the pale scar that runs all along the back of her hand. Elly doesn't like to talk about her time in a concentration camp during the war, but you know that's from an incident where she got in a fight with another prisoner. You gather she won.
^ Elly畀FBI捉完去左concentration camp??
答做couple就omg, 以為只係跳舞戈陣扮係couple, 只知係同老婆分手咁解
Miku2 smiles. "Good."
You think about the messy breakup with Tammy that is awaiting you when you get home. Therewill be fights, there will be tears, there will be the dividing of things. But for now, there is only you and Miku2, and the music.
And though I'm not a great romancer
I know that you're bound to answer
When I propose…
Anything, anything, anything…goes!
The lights go up, the dancers clap, and you realize that was the last song of the night.
You head home with Miku2 and Tammy, chatting about swing moves with Miku2 while Tammy sullenly says little.
The next few weeks are a little hellish as you go through a messy breakup with Tammy.
You had been living together, and that makes everything harder; every new piece of furniture inspires a new argument, as the life that belonged to both of you is torn in half and the shreds meted out. You spend the next few months having more adventures with Miku2, showing her all the things there are to experience in life: amusement parks, museums, trips to South America and Europe and Asia and Africa. Miku2 seems very happy.
Achievement 太快
You move to Canada to marry Miku2, who is thrilled. Josh also makes the trip out for your wedding. Elly comes with an Asian man on her arm who says little, but seems pleasant enough.He's a snappy dresser, and wears a red bowtie to the wedding. You and Miku2 join hands, say your vows, and are happy.
In the years to come, other countries legalize human-robot marriage. But you don't think you could have waited another day.
You think about the messy breakup with Tammy that is awaiting you when you get home. Therewill be fights, there will be tears, there will be the dividing of things. But for now, there is only you and Miku2, and the music.
And though I'm not a great romancer
I know that you're bound to answer
When I propose…
Anything, anything, anything…goes!
The lights go up, the dancers clap, and you realize that was the last song of the night.
You head home with Miku2 and Tammy, chatting about swing moves with Miku2 while Tammy sullenly says little.
The next few weeks are a little hellish as you go through a messy breakup with Tammy.
You had been living together, and that makes everything harder; every new piece of furniture inspires a new argument, as the life that belonged to both of you is torn in half and the shreds meted out. You spend the next few months having more adventures with Miku2, showing her all the things there are to experience in life: amusement parks, museums, trips to South America and Europe and Asia and Africa. Miku2 seems very happy.
Achievement 太快
You move to Canada to marry Miku2, who is thrilled. Josh also makes the trip out for your wedding. Elly comes with an Asian man on her arm who says little, but seems pleasant enough.He's a snappy dresser, and wears a red bowtie to the wedding. You and Miku2 join hands, say your vows, and are happy.
In the years to come, other countries legalize human-robot marriage. But you don't think you could have waited another day.
結果係Tammy被dump, <-一開始已一頭霧水, Tammy咩劇情都冇, dev都問你係依段感情預左咩<-當Tammy知道玩家用機械人打仗後唔撈時
Miku gives you a solemn look. "If you die, I will destroy myself as well."
除左第2, 真係唔想答其他, 但又睇唔到其他情節, 矛盾 :/
"You go do that," Miku2 tells your robot double. "We'll be right here."
"You don't want a robot version of me?" you ask Miku2.
"No, silly," Miku2 says. "I've only ever wanted you."
Indeed, over the coming months, your robot double starts going around doing all the thingsyou'd meant to do but never got around to—except for one. With your double taking care of everything else, you get to finally spend all the time you want with Miku2. It's an interesting sort of retirement, seeing yourself racing around accomplishing things, while you yourself don't have to lift a finger.
Not once does Miku2 seem to wish that she was with your double instead of you. Quite the opposite. "All the time I've been with you, it seemed a little bit like you were being chased by a demon, driving you to be unsatisfied with what you have," Miku2 says. "And now you seem to have driven that demon out into a robot body."
Demons or not, one interesting side effect is that your stroke never returns. The doctors can't quite explain it. Perhaps taking it a little easier in life has done your health good. They say, too, that people with very dedicated partners often survive longer generally, because they take better care of themselves. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Someday, of course, you must die. But not any time soon. And for that, Miku2 and Miku and Miku3 and you are all very thankful.
Year: 2049
54-year-old HK HK
Humanity: 51%
Gender: male
Fame: 8 (Nationally Famous)
Wealth: 16 (Billionaire)
Romance: Married to Miku2
Autonomy: 36 (Singular)
Military: 24 (Impressive)
Empathy: 34 (Transhuman)
Grace: 17 (Good)
Professor Ziegler (Bad): 24%
Elly (Great): 75%
Josh (Very Good): 69%
Mark (Very Good): 65%
Juliet (Good): 55%
Tammy (Bad): 43%
President Irons (Bad): 40%
Miku2 (Great): 85%
World Power Balance
China: 49%U.S.: 51%
Summary of Completed Chapters
Chapter 1
On the day you first built Miku, you awoke from a dream about a robot Statue of Liberty to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Miku more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a metal bipedal robot with a humanlike head and humanoid hands.
Then you went back to your place to teach Miku some words.
Chapter 2
The next day, you hooked up Miku's motorcycle battery and tried activating her. You then took Miku to see Josh, but he wasn't convinced that such robots would sell.
As months passed, you became busy teaching Miku about the world through games and taking her to the dump.
One day, however, Professor Ziegler claimed that Miku was not appealing enough to the military, and demanded you change her. You refused, but had not given Professor Ziegler too much trouble previously, so he kept you on as a student.
In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Miku and asked for an interview. You agreed.
Chapter 3
You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Miku.
Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Miku. When Professor Ziegler found out about the article, he was very displeased, and finally kicked you out of his lab.
Mark's article also attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper. Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You performed some research on Dad's condition, and while his visions and fainting spells remained mysterious, you found he also had a preponderance of genes associated with intelligence.
You joined Josh at U.S. Robots as his chief scientist. Elly had already volunteered to be your first employee.
Chapter 4
Your first potential client for U.S. Robots was a somewhat sketchy man in Shanghai going by the name of "Mr. Sun." They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. That allowed you to build a robot factory in Alaska. You decided to use your own robots for your workforce, but leave humans in supervisory roles. When you finally shipped robots to Mr. Sun, they were pleased with the robots you delivered. Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers, began to steal your technology.
You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. Despite your unhelpfulness, Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. Meanwhile, you married the love of your life, Tammy.
The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
Chapter 5
Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. You agreed. You were granted a Top Secret clearance.
Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all.
An agent came to your place to try to get you to lure Elly there, because she was suspected of being a spy. Elly was captured and incarcerated as a result. In the end, America muddled its way through the war relatively unscathed. Tired of seeing robots used for violent ends, you decided to create a truly beautiful robot.
Chapter 6B
You created a humanoid companion robot named Miku2, but you were fairly bad about allowing her to do anything fun. Tammy was a little worried about Miku2, and with good reason. It seemed Miku2 was interested romantically in you. When Miku2 asked if you were interested in experimenting in doing naughty things with her, you said that was all right with you. But as a result, Tammy broke up with you.
In a last-minute attempt to find a life partner, you proposed to Miku2. And, what do you know -- it worked!
Chapter 7
In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to San Francisco, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot Statue of Liberty -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease,a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death.
Instead of undergoing surgery, you chose to create a robot body for yourself. With your robot self pursuing all of your ambitious plans for you, you finally had time to relax and enjoy your relationship with Miku2, and you lived happily ever after.
Imaginary conversasion (++Empathy)
Buddhist story (++++Empathy) (+Autonomy) (----Military)
robot body
love is different
"You need to consider whether to make any more of these robots," Elly says. "The companion robots seem fine with the arrangement, but I wonder it's bad for us to have them. It doesn't feel right, buying and selling people. It's like slavery."
"You're right, nobody deserves to be bought and sold. Robots that look human were a mistake."
"Maybe I should simply make it so the robots don't have feelings to hurt."
Elly (Great): 84% <-之後見畫畫
"I told you it would take a lot out of you," Miku2 says. "I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together. I hope you think the time we had was worth it."
Good夢會反映Miku2唔再係到, 想兩全其美
Year: 2049
54-year-old HK HK
World Power Balance
Summary of Completed Chapters
Chapter 1
On the day you first built Miku, you awoke from a dream about a robot companion to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Miku more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a metal bipedal robot with a humanlike head and humanoid hands.
You then went to a sushi place and a production of Pippin with Elly, where you vowed to not let others get in the way of your dreams. You both went back to your place afterward, and eagerly anticipated showing Elly your robot the next day.
Chapter 2
The next day, you hooked up Miku's motorcycle battery and demoed for Elly. You then spent the afternoon trying to teach science to a bunch of kids with Elly.
As months passed, you became busy teaching Miku about the world through games and taking her to the park.
One day, however, Professor Ziegler claimed that Miku was not appealing enough to the military, and demanded you change her. You refused, and Professor Ziegler kicked you out of his lab.
In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Miku and asked for an interview. You agreed.
Chapter 3
You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Miku.Mark invited you to his place to try to get to know you better. There, you found that drones often harassed Mark because various automated algorithms had marked him as suspicious.
Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Miku.
Mark's article attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper. When you met up over coffee, she told you that she used to do classified robotics work for a government lab, but left because she couldn't tell what nefarious purpose the technology would be used for.
Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You resolved at his funeral to be remembered not only for your intellect, but for your kindness as well.
You decided the best way to change the world was to start a business, which you named MikuWorks. Tammy had already volunteered to be your first employee.
Chapter 4
Your first potential client for MikuWorks was Galen Medical, a surgical equipment company.They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. That allowed you to build a robot factory in Alaska. You hired an all-human workforce as a gesture to the local community. When you finally shipped robots to Galen Medical, they were pleased with the robots you delivered. Your company did well enough thatJosh gave up and joined your company.
Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers,began to steal your technology.
You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. Despite your unhelpfulness, Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. Meanwhile, you married the love of your life, Elly.
The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
Chapter 5
Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. You agreed, but specified that you only wanted to provide robots that were nonviolent in nature. Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all. Yet.
You were sent to prison. You were pardoned, however, thanks to your potential importance to the war effort.
In the end, America lost the war, and the Chinese took over Alaska. Tired of seeing robots used for violent ends, you decided to create a truly beautiful robot.
Chapter 6B
You created a humanoid companion robot named Miku2, but you were fairly bad about allowing her to do anything fun. Elly was a little worried about Miku2, and with good reason. It seemed Miku2 was interested romantically in you. When Miku2 asked if you were interested in experimenting in doing naughty things with her, you said that was all right with you. Elly seemed pretty cool about it, on the whole -- you're a pretty lucky roboticist. In the aftermath, Miku2 ran away.
Chapter 7
In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to San Francisco, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot companion -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease, a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death.
You chose to undergo surgery to remove the damaged tissue in your brain. You survived the surgery, thanks to your own robot surgical technology. You celebrated a birthday party with your young child, Miku4, and Dusa, Miku's artificial child, and looked forward to celebrating many more.
54-year-old HK HK
Humanity: 76%
Gender: male
Fame: 12 (Internationally Famous)
Wealth: 10 (Quite Wealthy)
Romance: Married to Elly
Autonomy: 24 (Impressive)
Military: 13 (Stable)
Empathy: 40 (Singular)
Grace: 28 (Amazing)
Professor Ziegler (Bad): 23%
Elly (Great): 84%
Josh (Good): 59%
Mark (Great): 94%
Juliet (Bad): 45%
Tammy (Great): 80%
President Irons: 50%
Miku2 (Good): 59%
World Power Balance
China: 64%U.S.: 36%
Summary of Completed Chapters
Chapter 1
On the day you first built Miku, you awoke from a dream about a robot companion to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Miku more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a metal bipedal robot with a humanlike head and humanoid hands.
You then went to a sushi place and a production of Pippin with Elly, where you vowed to not let others get in the way of your dreams. You both went back to your place afterward, and eagerly anticipated showing Elly your robot the next day.
Chapter 2
The next day, you hooked up Miku's motorcycle battery and demoed for Elly. You then spent the afternoon trying to teach science to a bunch of kids with Elly.
As months passed, you became busy teaching Miku about the world through games and taking her to the park.
One day, however, Professor Ziegler claimed that Miku was not appealing enough to the military, and demanded you change her. You refused, and Professor Ziegler kicked you out of his lab.
In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Miku and asked for an interview. You agreed.
Chapter 3
You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Miku.Mark invited you to his place to try to get to know you better. There, you found that drones often harassed Mark because various automated algorithms had marked him as suspicious.
Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Miku.
Mark's article attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper. When you met up over coffee, she told you that she used to do classified robotics work for a government lab, but left because she couldn't tell what nefarious purpose the technology would be used for.
Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You resolved at his funeral to be remembered not only for your intellect, but for your kindness as well.
You decided the best way to change the world was to start a business, which you named MikuWorks. Tammy had already volunteered to be your first employee.
Chapter 4
Your first potential client for MikuWorks was Galen Medical, a surgical equipment company.They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. That allowed you to build a robot factory in Alaska. You hired an all-human workforce as a gesture to the local community. When you finally shipped robots to Galen Medical, they were pleased with the robots you delivered. Your company did well enough thatJosh gave up and joined your company.
Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers,began to steal your technology.
You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. Despite your unhelpfulness, Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. Meanwhile, you married the love of your life, Elly.
The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
Chapter 5
Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. You agreed, but specified that you only wanted to provide robots that were nonviolent in nature. Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all. Yet.
You were sent to prison. You were pardoned, however, thanks to your potential importance to the war effort.
In the end, America lost the war, and the Chinese took over Alaska. Tired of seeing robots used for violent ends, you decided to create a truly beautiful robot.
Chapter 6B
You created a humanoid companion robot named Miku2, but you were fairly bad about allowing her to do anything fun. Elly was a little worried about Miku2, and with good reason. It seemed Miku2 was interested romantically in you. When Miku2 asked if you were interested in experimenting in doing naughty things with her, you said that was all right with you. Elly seemed pretty cool about it, on the whole -- you're a pretty lucky roboticist. In the aftermath, Miku2 ran away.
Chapter 7
In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to San Francisco, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot companion -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease, a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death.
You chose to undergo surgery to remove the damaged tissue in your brain. You survived the surgery, thanks to your own robot surgical technology. You celebrated a birthday party with your young child, Miku4, and Dusa, Miku's artificial child, and looked forward to celebrating many more.