2015年5月23日 星期六

2015.5.23 Choice of Robots GG5 Chapter 6A: Grace, GG6, GG8

會跟隨4的選擇, 不過會拎makeshift weapon同自己整公司

點知Autonomy: 8 (In Beta)係唔夠

They turn to look at each other in astonishment. Funny, you wouldn't think Miku's face would be able to express existential horror. Beside you, the original Miku also looks unsettled.
"I'm afraid you're all growing up now," you say. "You are going to have to leave the nest and go work for a living."
"But how will I live without you, HK?"
Elly looks at you skeptically. "Did you program them to do this?"
"No!" You turn to the assembled robots.


Autonomy: 8 (In Beta)
  Military: 4 (Buggy)
  Empathy: 23 (Impressive)
  Grace: 26 (Amazing)
A few minutes later, you emerge from the factory with Miku in tow.
"Please stop!" Miku says, waving her humanoid hands. "This is my home!"
The protesters, having not had a concrete idea of what your robots were like, are a bit taken aback by how charming Miku is.
"Why do you hate robots?" Miku says. "We just want to be like you."
The protesters end up having a conversation with Miku, and by the end, they realize they probably ought to be protesting for robot rights instead. But that would require entirely different signs, and they leave you alone for a time. Soon enough, it's the end of the semester, and the protesters lose interest in the whole affair.


Autonomy: 10 (Stable)
  Military: 4 (Buggy)
  Empathy: 22 (Impressive)
  Grace: 38 (Singular)

畀軍方請完(拒絕), FBI捉埋Elly後(冇左wait個選項), 第一次見到有能力Requires 提示
我冇參加到變stalemate orz, 因為我醫生機械人太勁?

Chinese drones often perform long-distance bombing runs on American bases in South Korea and Alaska, and families of service people are sometimes caught in the blasts. You quickly mobilize the robots you developed for Galen Medical to these places, and it is the most trying test of their skill yet. You have your engineers work around the clock to increase the speed with which your robotic surgeons operate, until their scalpels and scissors are simply a blur in the operating room. They can often make an incision and remove foreign objects from tissue before it even has a chance to bleed. (+++Grace) You get many letters from grateful beneficiaries of your technology.

The war is apparently in a stalemate, with both sides unable to gain much ground. Turns out, the Pacific Ocean is pretty good at discouraging equally matched countries from attacking each other.

The war ends in a stalemate, with each country unable to extend enough power to the other continent to continue the assault. A truce is negotiated in which Taiwan remains under Chinese control, and the trade sanctions of both countries are lifted. The treaty also defines industry sectors where robot labor is forbidden and a minimum wage is established, so both countries can have a middle class again. Both countries proceed to break the spirit of the treaty, but in different ways; and life goes on.

Now that the war is over, what will you do?
I will develop the algorithms that will end war forever. (Requires Grace 25)
I want to build a robot that knows how to love. (Requires Empathy 20)
I will begin a rebellion in Alaska. (Requires Military 20)
I'm afraid I've done all I can. My time to influence history has passed.
There's something that's been nagging you all along about this war. It just seems so…inefficient.Senseless. And if there's one thing you know, it's how to make things act optimally.

You retreat into your apartment to think about what should be done about it.

You think for a long time.

And when you're done, you write.

The paper you write starts as a kind of pure mathematics paper, about how to efficiently solve optimization problems. It's the kind of mathematics you developed originally to make Miku move as efficiently as possible.

But in the paper, you go on to explain how the mathematics can also be used to move goods, set policy, and satisfy people's desires as efficiently as possible. In other words, the normal functioning of government. Anyone who reads the paper will understand instantly that human government is an obsolete technology; trying to set policy with human thought is like trying to hammer a nail with a fist.

On its publication, the paper is both celebrated and reviled. Political scientists mock it, calling it a pipe dream. Computer scientists celebrate it, saying that it solves many outstanding problems in mechanism design. Pretty soon, every intellectual of any stripe is expected to have an opinion about it, even if they don't understand it. (++++Fame)

Intelligent robots around the world adopt your paper's principles. It tends to make them right all the time. About everything.

Pretty soon, people are looking to robots all the time for what they should do. The human government doesn't go away, but it starts to look more and more like a vestigial organ.

The robots start taking pretty good care of humanity.

This upsets some people.
Chapter 6A: Grace


Tammy個cult<-我教人機械人&AI <-+fame
Josh差D被炒, 我話係朋友唔炒得
Mark差DD被炒, 我話唔好 <-+fame
Mom tumor冇事 good

A few weeks later, you get a video call from Mom. She's in her late sixties now, but with the power of good hair dye and anti-wrinkle cream, she looks like she could be younger.
"Hello, HK!" she says cheerily. "I was just calling to let you know I was diagnosed with cancer, and-"
"Wait, what?" you say.
"Oh, but don't worry!" Mom says. "Let me finish. I mean, when I heard, I was terrified too, that's only natural. We both grew up in a different age! But they said that tumors are now really easy to both identify and cut out…thanks to robot technology! And I said that's funny, because myson works on robots, and they looked at my name and said, "Not HK HK?" and I said, 'The same!' And they said that thanks to the robots you developed, it wouldn't be any trouble at all to remove the tumor."
"Great!" you say. You suppose you did make choices that would result in robots having therequired dexterity.
"Your Dad would be proud," Mom says softly.
"Thanks," you say.
You agree you should visit soon, and hang up. It's nice to know that you've made some robots that are totally, unambiguously good, and don't require tough moral choices. It's hard to argue with fighting cancer.


除左1, 其他都好似好有趣, 有得save就好

You think about your interactions with everyone you know over the past few weeks. On the whole, the robots seem to be doing a pretty good job of taking care of everything and everyone, even if that leaves some people feeling as if they have no place in the world.

As the foremost designer of robots in the world, you have the power to change the world utterly if you decide to change the way robots work in this society. What do you think?
We will get used to the robots. I see no problems with the state of the world.
I introduce faults in the robots to make humans more competitive with them.
I introduce a back door in the robots' code that lets me take control of all of them.
I introduce a back door for Miku to control all the robots of the world. They'll be less suspicious of her.
I destroy all of the robots. Except Miku, of course.



The world run by robots is actually a pretty good one, you think. People are pretty good aboutadapting to the world around them, and robots are just better at running things. You decide to let the robots flourish.
And they do. (+++++Autonomy)


又黎番畀野mom, 都係選左3D printer


雖然唔係1, 不過都試下啦

Did you ever marry Tammy?
Yes, we got married about ten years ago now.
No, we remained together, but never really saw the point of marrying.
No, our relationship didn't last—we were too different.
原來係選完1之後就變左merried to Tammy


Holy smoke, 機械人教
I invested some personal funds to start building churches. (Requires Wealth 4)
They continue to operate underground.
Miku disbanded them and told them all to find some real religions.


Later that day, you set out for home. Your personal intelligent jet is waiting for you at the local airfield. On boarding, a delicious smell of spices and smoke wafts from the plane's kitchen. You peek inside the chefs' workspace and catch sight of a plate of small, cream-filled pastries and some kind of red, drizzled sauce. But the robot chefs at work catch you peeking, and politely shoo you out. Content to wait until later to have your food vocabulary expanded, as it always is on these flights, you settle into your rather large, comfy chair in the passenger cabin. The surround screen descends and presents a wealth of entertainment options, and you hesitate before the array of choices. Choosing optimally is a task you take very seriously, after all.

Where did you, Tammy, and Miku decide to spend the rest of your days?

Cambridge, Massachusetts. I still have fond memories of going to MIT.
Palo Alto, where I went to grad school. I love seeing what the young people are working hard to create every day.
We decided to move to the small town of Hope, in Canada.
We remained in Alaska, where the factory was.
Vancouver. We decided not to stay in the United States after the war.
Washingon, D.C., where I often advise the government.


In gratitude for your service to the country, President Irons created a new position on her cabinet during her second term: Secretary of Automation. You advised the President almost every day on matters related to robots, although from the title of the post alone, you knew there were places where Washington did not quite understand the technological state-of-the-art. You've had plenty of time to learn the post since then; although Irons has long since become a Former President, new Presidents have a way of re-selecting anyone in the old cabinet who didn't mess up too much. You've managed to guide U.S. robot policy to a much better place over the past ten years. (++Fame)


今次試下An Internet-enabled contact lens.

"Where's Miku4?" you ask.

"Probably upstairs being reclusive," Tammy says. "Wonder where he gets that from." A smile plays at Tammy's lips.

"Well, that does give me a chance to hide his present," you say.

What did you get Miku4 for his eighth birthday?

A robot kit.
Paints and an easel.
An Internet-enabled contact lens.

又到左, 而我知道最後既係最好, 好似係
"I don't trust our surgical technology. I'd prefer to live my life normally, and take what comes."
"I will undergo surgery to remove the damaged tissue."
"I will undergo surgery to replace that part of my brain with a robot core."
"I will create a robot body and brain for myself. I'm not attached to this squishy meat."



The doctor raises her eyebrows. "Oh, really?"

"I can try, anyway," you say.

Tammy whispers in your ear, "We need to talk about this later."

"HK, I'm so pleased you'll finally be one of us!" Miku says. "I had sometimes worried about what would happen when you passed away…but now we can be repaired forever!"

"Very well," says the doctor. "I will not schedule any surgery for you. Good day."

"Wait," you say. "Before I go…you said this was a genetic disease? So my child Miku4 may have it?"

"It's very likely," the doctor says. "The gene is dominant."

"What are my options if Miku4 has the gene? He's eight."

"Gene therapy is an option for an eight-year-old with the disorder," the doctor says. "The gene could get phosphorylated before it has a chance to fully express itself. But it would mean your child also would not have the benefit of your intelligence. He would be bright but not…you." The doctor frowns. "It's an awkward position for a parent to be in, I know. But if you would like to schedule a gene therapy slot for the same day as your child's screening, it could actually be all done in one day."

Tammy looks to be at a loss—it's too much. She shakes her head. "I want the best for Miku4, but I can't imagine you without your brilliance. I don't know—what do you think?"
"Screen Miku4…but if this 'disorder' is why I achieved as much as I did, I want the same opportunity for Miku4."
"I can't wish this disappointment on Miku4. If you find the gene, I think we should begin the therapy."
"On the whole, I'd prefer to let Miku4 live as I did, without knowing about the disorder."


Miku, 唔係咁多人有咁既機會, take it,
Miku thinks, then nods resolutely. "Yes, HK." (+++++Autonomy)


This bio-self shouldn't get in my new self's way. The final copy operation will destroy my old brain.
I will stick around to help my double with the transition.


"You go do that," Tammy tells your robot double. "We'll be right here."

Indeed, over the coming months, your robot double starts going around doing all the thingsyou'd meant to do but never got around to—except for one. With your double taking care of everything else, you get to finally spend all the time you want with Tammy. It's an interesting sort of retirement, seeing yourself racing around accomplishing things, while you yourself don't have to lift a finger.

Not once does Tammy seem to wish that she was with your double instead of you. Quite the opposite. "All the time I've been with you, it seemed a little bit like you were being chased by a demon, driving you to be unsatisfied with what you have," Tammy says. "And now you seem to have driven that demon out into a robot body."

Demons or not, one interesting side effect is that your stroke never returns. The doctors can't quite explain it. Perhaps taking it a little easier in life has done your health good. They say, too, that people with very dedicated partners often survive longer generally, because they take better care of themselves. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Someday, of course, you must die. But not any time soon. And for that, Tammy and Miku and Miku4 and you are all very thankful.
The End


Year: 2049
54-year-old Dr. HK HK
  Humanity: 82%

  Gender: male

  Fame: 29 (Prominent in History Textbooks)

  Wealth: 12 (Quite Wealthy)

  Romance: Married to Tammy

  Autonomy: 20 (Impressive)
  Military: 4 (Buggy)
  Empathy: 24 (Impressive)
  Grace: 40 (Singular) Relationships
  Professor Ziegler (Good): 54%
  Elly (Good): 58%
  Josh (Great): 76%
  Mark (Great): 75%
  Juliet (Good): 60%
  Tammy (Great): 90%
  President Irons (Good): 55%
  ?: 50%
World Power Balance
  China: 50%U.S.: 50%
Summary of Completed Chapters
Chapter 1
On the day you first built Miku, you awoke from a dream about a robot companion to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Miku more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a metal winged robot with a humanlike head and humanoid hands.
You then met up with Josh, your startup CEO friend, to discuss business.You agreed to help his company make robot surgeons.
Chapter 2
The next day, you hooked up Miku's motorcycle battery and tried activating her. You then spent the afternoon perfecting Miku's motor control and parts.
As months passed, you became busy teaching Miku about the world through games and taking her to the park. Your funding from none kept you in Professor Ziegler's good graces during this time.
In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Miku and asked for an interview. You agreed.
Chapter 3
You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Miku.
Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Miku. When Professor Ziegler found out about the article, he was very displeased, but decided that the most effective way to get you out of his hair was to let you graduate.
Mark's article also attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper. When you met up over coffee, she told you that she used to do classified robotics work for a government lab, but left because she couldn't tell what nefarious purpose the technology would be used for.
A month or so later, you received your doctorate. Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You resolved then to work on better medical technology that could save people like your father in the future.
You decided the best way to change the world was to start a business, which you named MikuWorks. Elly and Tammy had already volunteered to be your first employees.
Chapter 4
Your first potential client for MikuWorks was Galen Medical, a surgical equipment company.They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. That allowed you to build a robot factory in Alaska. You hired an all-human workforce as a gesture to the local community. When you finally shipped robots to Galen Medical, they were pleased with the robots you delivered. Your company did well enough thatJosh gave up and joined your company.
Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers,began to steal your technology.
You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. You gave a significant donation, and Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with theassassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
Chapter 5
Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. But you refused. Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all.
An agent came to your place to try to get you to lure Elly there, because she was suspected of being a spy. In the end, America muddled its way through the war relatively unscathed. Tired of seeing governments incompetently destroy the world, you developed resource allocation algorithms that gradually made human governments irrelevant.
Chapter 6A
As robots took over more and more roles, many people felt increasingly displaced and alienated.Josh was being pressured to step down from his company. Mark was contemplating suicide after he finished his book about you, since most nonfiction work was now being done by robots.(Luckily, you talked him out of it.)
But not everybody was sad in this new world: Elly seemed to be perfectly content to take advantage of the robots' utopia to create art. Juliet was busy fighting crime as "the Crusader."(You even joined her as a sidekick.) Tammy was excitedly anticipating the Singularity that would make everyone immortal, which she believed was right around the corner. The Church of the Enlightened Miku was gaining adherents as people turned to robots to solve all their problems.
On the whole, you thought the world of robots was pretty good, and decided to leave the robots in charge.
Chapter 7
In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to San Francisco, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot companion -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease, a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death.
Instead of undergoing surgery, you chose to create a robot body for yourself. With your robot self pursuing all of your ambitious plans for you, you finally had time to relax and enjoy your relationship with Tammy, and you lived happily ever after.

spoil左自己, 知道點immortal, 打算6A: Grace多次

The war ends in a stalemate, with each country unable to extend enough power to the other continent to continue the assault. A truce is negotiated in which Taiwan remains independent, and the trade sanctions of both countries are lifted. The treaty also defines industry sectors where robot labor is forbidden and a minimum wage is established, so both countries can have a middle class again. Both countries proceed to break the spirit of the treaty, but in different ways; and life goes on.

6A: Grace多次

"Miku?" you say, calling your robot over to your desk.

Miku slowly walks up to you. "Yes, HK?"

"Have you ever wanted to rule the world?"

"Not particularly, HK."

"Great," you say. "That's probably the first requirement for a really great ruler. Got any overarching belief systems that promote one value above all others?"

"No, HK."

"A deep-seated desire to change society?"

"No, HK."

"Do you hate anybody?"

"Not really."

"Ever wanted to be famous? Popular?"


"Great," you say. "You'll be perfect."

"Yes, HK."

You explain to Miku how she can hack the other robots' minds, using some loopholes you've found in their machine learning code over the years.

"But it's your responsibility to just use this power for good," you say. "All right?"

"Yes, HK."


Year: 2049
54-year-old Dr. HK HK
  Humanity: 64%

  Gender: male
  Fame: 31 (Prominent in History Textbooks)
  Wealth: 14 (Quite Wealthy)
  Romance: Married to Tammy Miku

  Autonomy: 18 (Good)
  Military: 15 (Good)
  Empathy: 28 (Amazing)
  Grace: 36 (Singular) Relationships
  Professor Ziegler (Bad): 35%
  Elly (Great): 82%
  Josh (Great): 75%
  Mark (Great): 79%
  Juliet (Bad): 45%
  Tammy (Great): 76%
  President Irons (Very Good): 64%
  ?: 50%
World Power Balance
  China: 50%U.S.: 50%
Summary of Completed Chapters
Chapter 1
On the day you first built Miku, you awoke from a dream about a robot cloud to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Miku more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a metal bipedal robot with a humanlike head andhumanoid hands.
You then met up with Josh, your startup CEO friend, to discuss business.You agreed to help his company make robot surgeons.
Chapter 2
The next day, you hooked up Miku's motorcycle battery and tried activating her. You then spent the afternoon perfecting Miku's motor control and parts.
As months passed, you became busy teaching Miku about the world through games and taking her to the park. Your funding from none kept you in Professor Ziegler's good graces during this time.
In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Miku and asked for an interview. You agreed.
Chapter 3
You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Miku.
Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Miku. When Professor Ziegler found out about the article, he was very displeased, but decided that the most effective way to get you out of his hair was to let you graduate.
Mark's article also attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper. When you met up over coffee, she told you that she used to do classified robotics work for a government lab, but left because she couldn't tell what nefarious purpose the technology would be used for.
A month or so later, you received your doctorate. Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You resolved then to work on better medical technology that could save people like your father in the future.
You decided the best way to change the world was to start a business, which you named MikuWorks. Elly and Tammy had already volunteered to be your first employees.
Chapter 4
Your first potential client for MikuWorks was Galen Medical, a surgical equipment company.They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. That allowed you to build a robot factory in Alaska. You hired an all-human workforce as a gesture to the local community. When you finally shipped robots to Galen Medical, they were pleased with the robots you delivered. Your company did well enough thatJosh gave up and joined your company.
Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers,began to steal your technology.
You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. You gave a significant donation, and Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with theassassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
Chapter 5
Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. You agreed, but specified that you only wanted to provide robots that were nonviolent in nature. As a result, Elly resigned. Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all.
An agent came to your place to try to get you to lure Elly there, because she was suspected of being a spy. Elly fled to Canada to escape the American agents. An assassin was sent to kill you in your home.
In the end, America muddled its way through the war relatively unscathed. Tired of seeing governments incompetently destroy the world, you developed resource allocation algorithms that gradually made human governments irrelevant.
Chapter 6A
As robots took over more and more roles, many people felt increasingly displaced and alienated.Josh was being pressured to step down from his company. Mark was contemplating suicide after he finished his book about you, since most nonfiction work was now being done by robots.(Luckily, you talked him out of it.)
But not everybody was sad in this new world: Elly seemed to be perfectly content to take advantage of the robots' utopia to create art. Juliet was busy fighting crime as "the Crusader."Tammy was excitedly anticipating the Singularity that would make everyone immortal, which she believed was right around the corner. The Church of the Enlightened Miku was gaining adherents as people turned to robots to solve all their problems.
You tried to put Miku in charge of all the robots, but since she lacks the autonomy to control them all, you're the one really in charge.
Chapter 7
In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to San Francisco, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot cloud -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease, a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death.
Instead of undergoing surgery, you chose to create a robot body for yourself. With your robot self pursuing all of your ambitious plans for you, you finally had time to relax and enjoy your relationship with Tammy, and you lived happily ever after.

Damn I am so obsessed with Miku.


黎多次6A: Grace
到左Autonomy: 16 (Good), Miku就唔再叫master

Backdoor畀自己就只係flee去加拿大, 連mastermind都冇

